Sara leaning out from the side of a bridge and smiling at the camera
Side profile of AJ and Paige kissing
Morgan leaning against a ledge along the Naperville riverwalk
Dennis walking Erin down the isle on her wedding day
Kimberly wearing a crown, smiling and dancing with her buddy at Light Up The Night
Jolie in red lighting with her hands touching the walls on either side of her
Paige sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera
Brittany and Bryan cutting the cake at their wedding
The girls of lavender point sitting on the floor of disc replay reading magazines
Bailey standing next to the reggie redbird statue doing a graduation cap toss
Nirel and Maddi laying on their backs face to face with their heads on each others' shoulders
McKenzie in an aerial cartwheel over a balance beam
Taylor in a tilt leap
Faith smiling at the camera
Ariana blowing out her birthday candles, her mom holding the plate dressed as one of the witches from Hocus Pocus